Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Here's your chance to get in on a new project geared just to you.  It's the Bearded Boy Postcard Project!  The idea is simple.  Bearded Boys from all around the world are invited to send in a postcard with some express of their love of their beard written on it.  It can be why you like your beard, or how it defines you, or even just a doodle!  Photo postcards are welcome as well!  These will either be published in a tumblr or perhaps even photographed for a coffee table book!  Jump the link below to the GBwB page posting for more details.  The address is:

Bearded Boy Postcard Project
P.O. Box 441
Mayflower, AR  72106-0441

GBwB Link

Saturday, August 4, 2012

The Cypress Mint Shampoo and Conditioner are ready! As soon as the labels arrive they will be ready for purchase!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Here's a preview of the final draft on the new color scheme and label layout for the bath care line!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Credits Cards!

You can now order from the Etsy site without a PayPal account!  The Etsy site was a quick solution to a need to get the Bearded Boys products onto the market.  The downside was new accounts on Etsy only let you use credit cards through PayPal, which made it harder for people to purchase without a PayPal account.  Well, now for whatever reason Etsy has decided that direct credit card purchases are ok!  This makes the products more accessible until the official website is finished.  Stay tuned for more updates.  There should be some exciting news coming soon...

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Bearded Boy Products!

I don't remember exactly how I got the idea to create a product line just for us beardy boys, but after a long road and lots of work, here it is.  The first of many products hopefully.  It's Bearded Boy beard oil.  An all nature solution to an unruly beard with a great scent.  It helps with dry skin too!  Hit the link for more details and stay tuned, there's much more coming!  Thanks so much for everyone's support!

Jump this link to check out the Etsy page!

Friday, March 2, 2012

My shirt for the Bearracuda: Little Rock party!

I was laying in bed the other day thinking about what I wanted to wear to the event.  I didn't like my options so I thought I might as well design something new and just order it.  Here's what I ended up with!

Bearracuda: Little Rock, 3.10.2012

GBwB is proud to have had a hand in bringing Bearracuda to Little Rock, Arkansas and to help sponsor this event!  If you haven't been to a Bearracuda event, it's just about the best fun you can have.  Who doesn't love nuzzling up with some fuzzy, furry, sexy studs?